10/202412th Annual Meeting of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society Joint with Korean Association of Immunologists International Meeting 2024 (October 20-23, 2024). "Central trained immunity and chronic inflammation." Seoul, Korea, October 21, 2024.
10/2024Keynote speaker, Charles F. Schachtele Memorial Symposium in Oral Biology, University of Minnesota. "Periodontitis: A local mucosal disease with a systemic impact on health." Minneapolis, MN, October 10, 2024.
9/202411th Annual Congress, European Society for Translational Medicine – Immunotherapeutics 2024 (September 6-8, 2024). "Clonal hematopoiesis and chronic disease." September 6, 2024.
6/2024Keynote lecture: NIH workshop on Oral Microbiome in Health and Systemic Diseases(virtual). "Oral microbiome and its impact on periodontal systemic comorbidities." June 25, 2024.
6/202416th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics (June 11 – June 16, 2024). "Maladaptive trained immunity and chronic inflammation." Loutraki, Ancient Corinth, Greece, June 13, 2024.
6/202419th International Conference on Innate Immunity (June 6 – June 11, 2024). "Clonal hematopoiesis and inflammatory comorbidities." Loutraki, Ancient Corinth, Greece, June 7, 2024.
6/2024Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens. Seminar: ‘Clonal hematopoiesis as a mechanism that integrates aging with chronic inflammation’. Athens, Greece, June 3, 2024.
5/20249th International Conference on Osteoimmunology: Interactions of the Immune and Skeletal Systems (May 27 – June 1, 2024). "Bone marrow-based inflammatory memory as a mechanistic basis for the comorbidity of arthritis and periodontitis." Loutraki, Ancient Corinth, Greece, May 30, 2024.
3/2024102nd General Session of the IADR (March 13-16, 2024). NIDCR75: Periodontal Disease– "From Microbes to Hosts to Exposomes: Introduction." March 15, 2024, New Orleans, LA, USA.
3/2024102nd General Session of the IADR (March 13-16, 2024). Symposium on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases: Underlying Biological Mechanisms. "Inflammatory memory as a mechanistic basis for periodontal comorbidities." March 13, 2024, New Orleans, LA, USA.
2/2024University of Louisville School of Dentistry, Dept. of Oral Immunology & Infectious Diseases. Seminar: "Innate Immune Memory: It’s not always good to remember." Louisville, KY, February 23, 2024.
2/2024Keynote speaker, AADOCR Florida Chapter Symposium on Oral and Systemic Health Connection “Novel insights into the connection of periodontal disease with systemic comorbidities.” Fort Lauderdale, FL, February 17, 2024.
2/2024CHOP Research Institute, Normal & Malignant Hematopoiesis Research Affinity Group. Seminar: "Innate immune memory, clonal hematopoiesis and inflammatory disorders." Philadelphia, PA, February 12, 2024.
10/20233rd International Conference on Oral Mucosal Immunity and Microbiome (Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 2023). "Animal models in oral science and their relevance to understand human disease." Heraklion, Greece, Sept. 27, 2023.
9/2023Democritus University of Thrace International Conference on Current Trends in Inflammation and Thrombosis (Sept. 22-23, 2023). "Chronic inflammation in the oral mucosa: mechanisms and host-modulation therapies." Alexandroupolis, Greece, Sept. 23, 2023.
7/2023The 6th Penn Periodontal Conference (July 24-27, 2023). "Maladaptive hematopoiesis and periodontal disease." Philadelphia, PA, July 24, 2023.
6/2023NIH/NIA Division of Neuroscience workshop (virtual): Oral Health and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. "Periodontal microbiome and inflammation and their systemic impact." June 13, 2023.
6/202318th International Conference on Innate Immunity (May 31-June 5, 2023). "Clonal hematopoiesis and inflammatory comorbidities." Chania, Greece, June 3, 2023.
5/20235th International Symposium on Trained Immunity (May 29-31, 2023). "The role of trained immunity in chronic diseases." Naples, Italy, May 30, 2023.
5/202315th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics (May 26-31, 2023). "Mechanistic and therapeutic aspects in complement-driven periodontal disease." Chania, Greece, May 27, 2023.
5/2023Penn Dental Medicine Research Day. Faculty Dialogue: "It’s not always good to remember: Inflammatory memory and comorbid diseases." Philadelphia, PA, May 10, 2023.
5/2023NIH workshop on Advances in Aging, Immunity and Chronic Inflammatory Diseases. "Oral-Systemic Aging: Aging-related alterations in the bone marrow and peripheral tissue that promote inflammatory comorbidities." Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD, May 9, 2023.
4/2023Immunobiology Research In Progress, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. "Clonal hematopoiesis and inflammatory comorbidities." Philadelphia, PA, April 21, 2023.
3/2023University of Athens School of Dentistry. Seminar: "Periodontal disease and systemic comorbidities: etiopathogenic connection and therapeutic approaches." Athens, Greece, March 13, 2023.
2/2023Penn Center for Molecular Studies in Digestive and Liver Diseases – Research Seminar Series. "Inflammatory epigenetic memory as a mechanistic link in chronic inflammatory and metabolic disorders." Philadelphia, PA, February 9, 2023.
12/2022Penn Dental Medicine, CrossTalk Seminar Series. "From preclinical immune pathways to therapies in human oral disease and comorbidities." Philadelphia, PA, December 8, 2022.
12/202212th Panhellenic Congress of Immunology, Hellenic Society of Immunology (Dec. 2-4, 2022). Lecture: "Frontiers in Oral Mucosal Immunity and the Microbiome" (virtual). Thessaloniki, Greece, December 3, 2022.
11/2022University of Illinois Chicago, College of Dentistry. Seminar: "Inflammatory epigenetic memory: A link between periodontitis and comorbidities" (virtual). Chicago, IL, November 17, 2022.
11/2022Harvard School of Dental Medicine. Seminar: "From preclinical immune pathways to therapies in human oral disease and comorbidities." Boston, MA, November 9, 2022.
10/202210th International Conference on Autoimmunity: Mechanisms and Novel Treatments (Oct. 20-25, 2022). "Maladaptive inflammatory memory in hematopoietic progenitors underlies the comorbidity of rheumatoid arthritis and periodontal disease." Chania, Greece, October 24, 2022.
10/20229th Annual Congress, European Society for Translational Medicine (virtual). "C3 inhibition in periodontal inflammation." October 3-5, 2022.
9/2022Innate Immunology Conference. "Inflammatory memory in the bone marrow and comorbid disorders." Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 7-8, 2022.
9/2022Distinguished speaker, 65th Japanese Society of Periodontology General Meeting. "Inflammatory memory, periodontal disease and comorbidities." Sendai, Japan, September 1-3, 2022.
7/202217th International Conference on Innate Immunity. "Maladaptive innate immune training of bone marrow myelopoiesis links inflammatory comorbidities." Ioannina, Greece, July 9- 14, 2022.
6/2022100th General Session of the IADR, Presidential Symposium (virtual). "From immune pathways and preclinical models to therapies in human oral disease." Chengdu, China, June 22-25, 2022.
6/202214th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics. "Complement is required for microbe-driven induction of Th17 and periodontitis." Rhodes, Greece, June 17-22, 2022.
6/2022EuroPerio10. "Dysbiotic oral microbiome and inflammation: a reciprocal love affair." Copenhagen, Denmark, June 15-18, 2022.
6/2022University of Athens School of Dentistry (virtual). "Periodontal disease connection with systemic comorbidities: novel mechanisms and implications." June 14, 2022.
5/2022International Biannual Conference on Porphyromonas gingivalis and related organisms (PgLouisville2020). "Interactions of P. gingivalis with complement and host modulation in periodontitis." Louisville, KY, May 15-17, 2022.
11/2021Fourth Annual Meeting of the Chilean Association of Immunology (ASOCHIN; Virtual). "Homeostatic mechanisms in the initiation and resolution of inflammation." November 23-25, 2021.
11/2021National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (Virtual workshop on Understanding the Role of the Immune System in Improving Tissue Regeneration." "Endogenous pro-resolution and pro-regenerative mechanisms in the periodontal tissue." November 2-3, 2021.
9/20212nd International Conference on Oral Mucosal Immunity and Microbiome. "From mouse models to interventions in human oral disease." Kos, Greece, September 25-30, 2021.
9/202113th International Conference on Complement Therapeutics. "Preclinical studies establishing C3 as a target of host-modulation therapy in periodontal disease." Ioannina, Greece, September 8-13, 2021.
9/2021Santa Fe Group Salon on The Benefits of Integrating Oral Health into Healthcare (virtual). “Inflammatory adaptation of the bone marrow: A central hub connecting periodontitis with systemic comorbidities”. Arlington, VA, September 8, 2021.
7/20215th Penn Periodontal Conference. Session on Innate Immune Response. "Trained innate Immunity and inflammatory comorbidities." Philadelphia, PA, July 25 – 29, 2021.
6/2021Keynote speaker. NIH workshop on Metabolic Regulation of Inflammation and its Resolution in Disease Development. Session on Biological Mechanisms- Day 1 (virtual). "Immunometabolic crosstalk in trained immunity and inflammation." Bethesda, MD, June 28-30, 2021.
6/2021World Microbe Forum (ASM/FEMS), Session HMB02: Common Themes in Dysbiotic Infections (virtual). "Dysbiosis and inflammation at the oral mucosal barrier." June 20-24, 2021.
5/2021Penn Dental Medicine Research Day 2021, University of Pennsylvania. "Innate immune memory: beneficial in infections and tumors, detrimental in chronic inflammation." Philadelphia, PA, May 13, 2021.
3/2021Colombian Society of Periodontology (virtual). "Novel mechanisms underlying the connection of periodontitis with systemic disease." Bogotá, Colombia, March 12, 2021.
11/2020University of Geneva, Clinique Universitaire de Médecine Dentaire, Division de Parodontologie (virtual). "Keystone pathogens and inflammophilic pathobionts in periodontal disease pathogenesis." Geneva, Switzerland, November 18, 2020.
11/2020Basic and Translation Sciences Cross-Talk seminar series (virtual). "Novel regulators and cellular targets of DEL-1 in the initiation and resolution of inflammation." Penn Dental Medicine. November 12, 2020.
8/2020Universidad Antonio Nariño, Department of Periodontology (virtual). "Dysbiosis and Inflammation in Periodontitis: mechanisms and treatments." Bogotá, Colombia, August 05, 2020.
3/2020Keynote speaker, “Dysbiosis and Inflammation in Periodontal Disease.” Research Day, School of Dentistry, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, March 5, 2020.
11/2019Society for Leukocyte Biology (SLB) Tissue Specific Immunity: Translating our Discoveries. "Immunity and inflammation at the oral mucosa: mechanisms and host-modulation approaches." Boston, MA, November 16-18, 2019.
10/2019Symposium on Immune Modulation at the Host-Microbe Interface. “Modulation of microbe-driven inflammation at the oral mucosa”. Forsyth Institute, Cambridge, MA, October 30, 2019.
10/2019International symposium on Jaw Bone Disease. "DEL-1: Integrating anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution signals in periodontitis." Tokyo Dental College, Suidobashi Campus, Tokyo, Japan, October 19, 2019.
10/2019Tokyo Dental College, Department of Periodontology. "Dysbiosis and Inflammation Interplay in the Periodontium." Tokyo, Japan, October 18, 2019.
10/2019Technical University Dresden and Center for Regenerative Therapies. "DEL-1 restrains rheumatoid arthritis by downregulating T follicular helper cells." Dresden, Germany, October 2, 2019.
9/2019EMBO workshop on lipid function in health and disease. "Pro-resolving lipid mediators: Looping with DEL-1 to promote inflammation resolution." Dresden, Germany, September 27-30, 2019.
8/2019First Bernhard Gottlieb Conference on Periodontal Disease and Regeneration. "Periodontal Homeostasis in Disease and Regeneration. “Periodontal tissue inflammation and homeostasis." Dallas, TX, August 8-10, 2019.
6/20194th Penn Periodontal Conference. Session on Innate Immune Response. “DEL-1, immune plasticity and the location-dependent homeostatic principle.” Philadelphia, PA, June 23 – 27, 2019.
6/201912th International Workshop on Complement Therapeutics. "Complement links microbial dysbiosis to Th17 expansion and periodontitis." Rhodes, Greece, June 12-17, 2019.
6/201916th International Conference on Innate Immunity. "Novel tissue homeostatic functions of the secreted protein DEL-1." Rhodes, Greece, June 7-12, 2019.
6/2019Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (IMBB-FORTH). "Inflammation resolution at mucosal barrier sites: Local tissue control of macrophages and regulatory T cells." Heraklion, Greece, June 4, 2019.
11/2018Dean's Distinguished Professorship Lecture, Perelman School of Medicine and the Institute for Immunology at Penn. "Molecular mechanisms and host-modulation therapies in mucosal inflammatory disease." Philadelphia, PA, Nov. 6, 2018.
10/2018International Academy of Periodontology Research Conferences on Periodontal Diseases: "Microbial dysbiosis and inflammation." Giessen, Germany, October 2-4 2018.
10/20181st International Conference on Oral Mucosal Immunity and Microbiome. "Periodontal tissue inflammation and homeostasis." Chania, Greece, September 18-October 1, 2018.
8/2018University of Southern California, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology, Seminar “Immunity and Inflammation at Mucosal Barrier Sites." Los Angeles, CA, August 17, 2018.
8/201896th General Session of the IADR. Symposium on Host-Microbial Interactions at the Oral Mucosal Barrier. "Dysbiosis and inflammation in the periodontium." London, England, July 25-28, 2018.
7/2018Anaerobe Society of the Americas 2018 Congress. "P. gingivalis as an orchestrator of dysbiosis in periodontitis." Las Vegas, Nevada, July 9-12, 2018.
6/2018Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (IMBB-FORTH). Seminar "Dysbiosis and inflammation at mucosal barriers." Heraklion, Greece, June 28, 2018.
6/201811th International Workshop on Complement Therapeutics. "Complement-targeted inhibition of periodontitis using derivatives of factor H." Chania, Greece, June 23-28, 2018.
6/201815th International Conference on Innate Immunity. "Macrophage β2 integrins promote IL- 1β-dependent production of IL-22 by ILC3 and protect from lethal Citrobacter rodentium- induced colitis." Chania, Greece, June 18-23, 2018.
5/2018Trans-NIH Workshop on Generative Ideas in Geroscience. "Impact of aging on chronic inflammatory disease: alterations to the immune system and approaches to therapy." Rockville, Maryland, May 14, 2018.
5/2018Penn Dental Medicine Research Day 2018, University of Pennsylvania. "The secreted protein DEL-1 promotes inflammation resolution." Philadelphia, PA, May 10, 2018.
11/2017Seoul National University Symposium. "Homeostatic Immunity vs. Dysbiosis in the Periodontium." Seoul, Korea, November 17, 2017.
11/2017Pontificia Universidad Javeriana School of Science. "The Good, the Bad, and the Ambivalent in Periodontal Host Response: Homeostatic Immunity vs. Dysbiosis." Bogota, Colombia, November 9, 2017.
9/2017Technical University Dresden. "Dysbiosis, Inflammatory Disease, and its Resolution." Dresden, Germany, September 25, 2017.
9/2017Annual Meeting of the German Society of Periodontology (DG PARO). "Immuno- microbial pathogenesis of periodontitis: Keystones, pathobionts and the host response." Dresden, Germany, September 21-23, 2017.
6/201710th International Workshop on Complement Therapeutics. “Complement and periodontitis: the role of the alternative pathway.” Heraklion, Greece, June 24-29, 2017.
6/201714th International Conference on Innate Immunity. “Role of DEL-1 in inflammation resolution.” Heraklion, Greece, June 19-24, 2017.
5/2017Trans-NIH Interest Group in Chronic Inflammation and its role in Disease Development (CIIG) Workshop “Chronic Inflammation Biomarkers in Disease Development and Prevention.” “Molecular mechanisms in chronic inflammatory disease: novel concepts from the study of periodontitis.” Rockville, Maryland, May 31-June 1, 2017.
5/2017Plenary speaker, 12th European Oral Microbiology Workshop. “Dysbiosis and inflammation in periodontitis: Synergism and implications for treatment.” Stockholm, Sweden, May 25- 28, 2017.
5/20173rd International Conference on Porphyromonas gingivalis and Related Species in Oral and Systemic Diseases "PgMelbourne 2017." "P. gingivalis interactions with innate leukocytes." Melbourne, Australia, May 14-16. 2017.
5/2017European Research Group of Oral Biology. “Role of complement in immune surveillance and homeostasis." Geneva, Switzerland, May 5-7, 2017.
4/2017International Association of Periodontology (IAP) meeting, Session: Periodontal Disease- Pathogenesis. “Dysbiotic mechanisms and inflammation in periodontitis.” Brasov, Romania, April 27-28, 2017.
3/2017University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry. “Inflammation and dysbiosis in periodontitis: Mechanisms and therapeutic intervention." Lincoln, Nebraska, March 8, 2017.
11/2016University of Helsinki. “Mechanisms and therapeutic approaches to dysbiotic inflammatory disease.” Helsinki, Finland, November 3, 2016.
10/2016NIDCR Seminar Series. “Integrating anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution signals in dysbiotic inflammation.” Bethesda, MD, October 19, 2016.
10/2016University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, Immunobiology Research in Progress Seminar. “Integrating anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution signals in dysbiotic inflammation.” Philadelphia, PA, October 14, 2016.
9/2016Annual Meeting of the German Society of Periodontology (DG PARO) “Periodontology in Focus.” “Etiology/Microbiology: oral bacteria – friend or enemy? Periodontitis: when friends turn into enemies.” Würzburg, Germany, September 15-17, 2016.
7/20169th International Workshop on Complement Therapeutics. “Complement inhibition in periodontal disease." Rhodes, Greece, June 23- July 3, 2016.
6/201613th International Conference on Innate Immunity. “Innate and adaptive immune mechanisms in inflammatory bone loss.” Rhodes, Greece, June 23-28, 2016.
6/2016Loma Linda University, School of Medicine. “Innate and adaptive immune mechanisms in periodontitis.” Loma Linda, CA, June 2, 2016.
5/2016University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Dentistry, Oral Microbiology and Immunology Lecture. “Microbiota and Periodontal disease.” Birmingham, AL, May 18, 2016.
5/2016University of Alabama at Birmingham, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology. “Homeostasis vs. Dysbiosis in Polymicrobial Inflammatory Disease.” Birmingham, AL, May 17, 2016.
5/2016PDM Research Day 2016, University of Pennsylvania. “DEL-1 restrains osteoclastogenesis and inhibits inflammatory bone loss in nonhuman primates.” Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, May 12, 2016.
3/2016AADR/CADR Annual Meeting, Symposium: Microbial Immune Subversion and Dissemination in Periodontitis. “Host Response Manipulation and Dysbiotic Inflammation.” Los Angeles, CA March 16-19, 2016.
3/2016Keynote speaker, Oral Microbiology & Immunology Research Group (OMIG) of the British Society for Oral & Dental Research. “Host-microbe interplay and the balance of power in the periodontium.” Gregynog Hall, Tregynon, Wales, March 9-11, 2016.
11/2015Penn Center for Musculoskeletal Disorders Symposium. “The homeostatic factor DEL-1 restrains osteoclastogenesis and inhibits inflammatory bone loss in nonhuman primates." Philadelphia, PA, November 19, 2015.
11/2015University of Florida, Department of Oral Biology (nominated invitation by the graduate students). Seminar: “Homeostasis and Dysbiosis in the Periodontium.” Gainesville, FL, November 16, 2015.
9/20158th International Workshop on Complement Therapeutics. “C3 as a therapeutic target in periodontal dysbiosis and inflammation.” Chania, Greece, September 1-6, 2015.
6/20152015 Penn Periodontal Conference. Session: "Host-microbe interactions. “Host-microbe homeostasis vs. dysbiosis in the periodontium." Philadelphia, PA, June 29, 2015.
6/20152nd International Conference on P. gingivalis and related species. "Targeting immune subversion pathways." London, UK, June 23-25, 2015.
6/201512th International Conference on Innate Immunity. “Targeted intervention approaches to treat inflammatory bone loss.” Chania, Greece, June 19-24, 2015.
6/2015European Federation of Periodontology EuroPerio8 meeting. Session: Host Response. “New paradigms in bacterial-host interactions.” London, UK, June 4-6, 2015.
5/2015Center for Microbial Interface Biology Seminar Series at The Ohio State University. “Homeostasis vs. Dysbiosis in Polymicrobial Inflammatory Disease.” Columbus, OH, May 11, 2015.
4/2015International Association of Periodontology (IAP) meeting, Session: Periodontal Diseases. "Etiology and Treatment, “Models of Periodontal Disease: Etiology, mechanisms, and therapeutics.” Santiago, Chile, April 17-18, 2015.
3/20152015 IADR General Session. Symposium on the Effect of Aging on Gingival Tissue and Periodontal Disease. “Impact of aging on innate immunity and periodontitis.” Boston, MA, March 13, 2015.
2/2015University of Lübeck School of Medicine. Seminar: “Homeostasis and Dysbiosis and Inflammatory Disease.” Lübeck, Germany, Feb. 12, 2015.
2/2015 NIH GeroScience Interest Group (GSIG) Winter Seminar. “Age-related alterations in neutrophil recruitment and impact on chronic inflammation.” Washington DC, Feb. 5 2015.
1/2015Columbia University, College of Dental Medicine. Seminar: “Homeostasis vs. Dysbiosis in Polymicrobial Inflammatory Disease”. New York, NY, Jan. 16, 2015.
1/2015Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science meeting, University of Pennsylvania. “Visiting Japan in 2008: Research and Impact.” October 16, 2014.
10/2014Conference on Immune Responses to Biosurfaces: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Interventions. “Tooth-associated biofilm and complement-mediated inflammatory responses in the periodontal tissue.” Chania, Greece, September 27-October 2, 2014.
9/2014Lund University, Department of Laboratory Medicine. Seminar: “Host-microbe homeostasis vs. dysbiosis in the periodontium.” Malmö, Sweden, September 4, 2014.
7/2014University of Southern California, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry. Seminar: “Host- microbe homeostasis vs. dysbiosis in the periodontium.” Los Angeles, CA, July 22, 2014.
6/20147th International Workshop on Complement Therapeutics. “C3 as a therapeutic target in periodontal dysbiosis and inflammation.” Olympia, Greece, June 7-12, 2014.
6/201411th International Conference on Innate Immunity. “Dysregulated neutrophil recruitment and IL-17–driven inflammatory bone loss.” 10th International Conference on Innate Immunity, Olympia, Greece, June 1-6, 2014.
5/2014Neutrophil 2014. “Neutrophil homeostasis and IL-17-driven inflammation.” Montreal, Canada, May 31-June 3, 2014.
5/201411th European Oral Microbiology Workshop. “Role of P. gingivalis and complement in the pathogenesis of periodontitis.” May 22-25, 2014, Aarhus, Denmark.
5/2014National Advisory Dental and Craniofacial Research Council meeting. Special session on periodontal disease. “Dysbiotic inflammation in periodontitis and therapeutic interventions to restore homeostasis." Bethesda, MD, May 20, 2014.
5/2014Virginia Commonwealth University, Philips Institute of Oral and Craniofacial Molecular Biology. Seminar: “Immune evasion and dysbiotic inflammation in periodontitis.” Richmond, Virginia, May 7, 2014.
4/2014The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Center for Microbial Pathogenesis. Seminar: “Novel mechanisms of periodontal disease pathogenesis.” Columbus, OH, April 7, 2014.
3/2014EC consortium Gums & Joints Conference (Infections as an etiologic factor in chronic inflammatory diseases). “P. gingivalis: a conductor in the orchestration of chronic inflammation.” Ustroń, Poland, March 4-9, 2014.
12/2013University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine. Seminar: “Complement, Toll-like receptors, and Periodontitis”. Philadelphia, PA, December 5, 2013
8/201315th International Congress of Immunology. “Microbial manipulation of select host signaling pathways to disengage immune bacterial clearance from inflammation.” Milan, Italy, August 22-27, 2013.
8/201314th European Meeting on Complement in Human Disease. “Complement involvement in periodontitis: Mechanisms and therapeutic intervention.” Jena, Germany, August 17-21, 2013.
6/201310th International Conference on Innate Immunity. “Disconnecting immune bacterial clearance from inflammation: A crucial subversion mechanism of periodontal bacteria." Kos, Greece June 23 – 28, 2013.
6/20136th International Workshop on Complement Therapeutics. “Complement-targeted therapeutic interventions in periodontitis.” Kos, Greece, June 18-23, 2013.
6/201350th Anniversary of the University of Buffalo Oral Biology Graduate Program Symposium. “Novel endogenous modulators of neutrophil recruitment and periodontitis.” Buffalo, NY, June 12-14.
4/2013University of Minnesota School of Dentistry, Dept. of Diagnostic and Biological Sciences. “Novel concepts in periodontal inflammation.” Minneapolis, MN, April 25, 2013.
4/2013Board of Overseers Presentation, Penn SDM. "Novel Mechanisms and Treatments for Periodontal Disease." Philadelphia, PA, April 18, 2013.
3/2013University of Oklahoma Health Science Center, Microbiology and Immunology Seminar Series. “Host – Microbe Homeostasis vs. Dysbiosis in Periodontitis”. Oklahoma City, OK, March 26, 2013.
2/2013Penn Medicine Department of Microbiology, Prokaryotic Seminar Series. “Keystone pathogen-induced dysbiotic changes in the oral microbiota.” February 15, 2013.
2/2013Unilever Microbial Communities Symposium. “Perturbation of microbiomes: approaches and consequences”, Feb. 7-8, 2013, Bedfordshire, UK.
1/2013Invited Research Seminar to the Honors Students, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. “Host-microbial homeostasis and dysbiosis in periodontal disease.” January 24, 2013.
1/2013The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Department of Microbiology and Immunology. Seminar: “Dysbiotic Inflammation in Periodontal Disease.” San Antonio, TX, January 10, 2013.
12/2012Friends of NIDCR 2012 Annual Conference and Awards. “DEL-1: A new target in the fight against periodontal disease.” Washington, DC, December 6, 2012.
10/2012XXIV International Complement Workshop. “C5aR-dependent subversion of neutrophils and dysbiotic inflammation.” Minoa Palace Conference Center, Chania, Crete, Greece, October 10-15, 2012.
9/2012International Association of Inflammation Societies, Translational Inflammation Summit. “DEL-1, an endogenous anti-inflammatory regulator of IL-17 and neutrophil recruitment.” The Sagamore, Bolton Landing, NY, September 7-8, 2012.
8/2012First International Conference of Porphyromonas gingivalis and related bacterial species. "P. gingivalis: a keystone pathogen with complements from the oral microbiota." Nagasaki, Japan, August 27-28, 2012.
6/20129th International Conference on Innate Immunity. "DEL-1 inhibits IL-17-triggered inflammatory bone loss." Rodos Palace Conference Center, Rhodes, Greece, June 23-28, 2012.
5/2012Penn Dental Alumni Weekend. Spotlight: Inside the Department of Microbiology featuring new faculty member George Hajishengallis, D.D.S., Ph.D. Title: "Host-microbe interplay in periodontal disease." Robert Schattner Center, Fonseca Garden, May 12, 2012.
4/2012Hauptman Woodward Institute. Seminar: "DEL-1, a novel regulatory protein that prevents IL-17 immunopathology." Buffalo, NY, April 26, 2012.
11/2011Jagiellonian University, Dept. of Microbiology. Seminar: "Host-Microbe Interplay, Homeostatic Mechanisms and Disease." Krakow, Poland, November 28, 2011.
11/2011Gums & Joints meeting (7th Framework Programme, EU). Seminar: "Disrupted homeostasis and inflammation in the periodontium." Florence, Italy, November 26, 2011.
10/2011University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Microbiology. Seminar: "Keystone pathogens, aging, and homeostasis in the periodontium." Philadelphia, PA October 26, 2011.
10/2011The Forsyth Institute. Seminar: "DEL-1 is required for periodontal tissue homeostasis and prevention of IL-17-mediated pathology." Boston, MA, October 6, 2011.
9/2011Symposium on Periodontal Microbiology, Joint meeting of the Japanese Society for Bacteriology (JSB) and International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS). "P. gingivalis and exploitation of complement-TLR crosstalk." Sapporo, Japan, September 11-16, 2011.
7/2011Gordon Research Conference on Periodontal Diseases. "Oral Pathogen Exploitation of Innate Recognition as a Function of Age." Davidson College, Davidson, NC, July 17-22, 2011.
7/2011ECMIS 2011 (E. coli and the Mucosal Immune System). "Immunomodulatory properties of E. coli enterotoxins." Ghent, Belgium, July 2-5, 2011.
6/20115th International Workshop on Complement Associated Diseases, Animal Models, and Therapeutics. "Complement involvement in periodontitis and therapeutic approaches." Sheraton Conference Center, Ixia, Rhodes, Greece, June 22-27, 2011.
6/20118th International Conference on Innate Immunity. "Subversion of complement and TLRs by a keystone pathogen." Minoan Conference Center, Chania, Greece, June 15-20, 2011.
5/201110th European Oral Microbiology Workshop. "Subversive tactics of periodontal bacteria." Utrecht, Netherlands, May 19-22, 2011.
4/201124th Annual symposium on Advanced Wound Care (Joint meeting with Wound healing society [SAWC/WHS]). Educational session: "Wound Biofilms: What We Can Learn from Other Disciplines ‘Dental biofilm-induced disruption of homeostasis." Dallas, Texas, April 14-17, 2011.
4/2011Plenary Session Speaker at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Wound Healing Society (WHS). Session: Biofilms and Host Response: "Innate immune and inflammatory responses in periodontal disease." Dallas, Texas, April 14-17, 2011.
10/2010University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. Seminar: "Keystone pathogens: Subverting complement and Toll-like receptors for the welfare of the entire biofilm community." Philadelphia, PA, December 6, 2010.
9/2010Nihon University, School of Dentistry, Department of Microbiology, Division of Immunology and Pathology. Lecture: "Host-Pathogen Interactions and Inflammation in the Periodontium." Tokyo, Japan, September 24, 2010.
9/2010Niigata University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences. Lecture: "Interactions of Periodontal Bacteria with Complement and Toll-like Receptors." Niigata, Japan, September 22, 2010.
9/2010Main Guest Speaker, 52th General Session & Exhibition of the Japanese Association for Oral Bioscience. Symposium: Systemic infections induced by periodontal diseases. "Evasion of Periodontal and Systemic Immunity by Periodontal Bacteria." Tokyo, Japan, September 21, 2010.
7/201088th IADR meeting. Symposium: Immuno- Suppressive and -Evasive Strategies of Oral Microbes. "Oral microbial subversion of phagocytes." Barcelona, Spain, July 14-17, 2010.
7/20107th International Conference on Innate Immunity. "Microbial Hijacking of C5aR/TLR2 crosstalk." Rhodes, Greece, July 4-9, 2010.
4/2010Medical University of South Carolina, College of Dental Medicine, Dept. of Craniofacial Biology. Seminar: "Animal Models in Periodontal Innate Immunity and Inflammation." Charleston, SC, April 21, 2010.
4/2010Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Center of Excellence in Oral and Craniofacial Biology. Seminar: "Aging, Innate Immunity, and Periodontitis." New Orleans, LA, April 1, 2010.
3/2010The Forsyth Institute. Seminar: "Subversion of Complement–Toll-like Receptor Crosstalk by P. gingivalis." Boston, MA, March 18, 2010.
2/2010University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Pathology. Seminar: "Complement-ary Tolls and Microbial Immune Evasion." Philadelphia, PA, February 17, 2010.
1/2010Inflammation 2010: Inflammatory Cell Signaling Mechanisms. "Complement Pathways Involved in Periodontal Inflammation." Luxembourg, January 27-30, 2010.
9/2009University at Buffalo, School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology and Immunology seminar series: "Stealth and Sabotage Tactics of Oral Pathogens." Buffalo, NY, September 30, 2009.
8/2009Gordon Research Conference on Periodontal Diseases. "Host-Microbe Crosstalk in the Periodontium." Colby Sawyer College, New London, NH, August 2-7, 2009.
6/20096th International Conference on Innate Immunity. "TLR2/CXCR4 Crosstalk and Microbial Immune Evasion." Heraklion, Greece, June 21-26, 2009.
4/2009Stony Brook University, School of Dental Medicine. Seminar: Dean’s Lecture Series "Innate Immunity to P. gingivalis: Effective or Intervention Needed?" Stony Brook NY, April 23, 2009.
2/2009University of Connecticut Health Center, School of Dental Medicine. Dean’s Seminar Series: "The Art of Stealth: Immune Evasion Strategies of P. gingivalis." Farmington, CT, Februrary 26, 2009.
12/2008Nagasaki University, Dept. of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology. Seminar "Exploitation of Complement Receptor-3 (CR3) by P. gingivalis and its Impact on Experimental Periodontitis." Nagasaki, Japan, December 5, 2008.
12/2008Tokyo Dental College, Dept. of Microbiology, Oral Health Science Center. Seminar: "Role of Toll-like Receptor 2 in a Model of P. gingivalis-induced Aspiration Pneumonia." Chiba, Japan, December 1, 2008.
11/2008Aichi-Gakuin University, Dept. of Microbiology. Seminar: "Novel Roles of Fimbrial Accessory Proteins in P. gingivalis Pathogenesis." Nagoya, Japan, November 28, 2008.
11/2008Osaka University, Dept. of Oral Frontier Biology. Seminar: "Impairment of Host Defense Function via Induction of CXCR4/TLR2 Cross-Talk by Porphyromonas gingivalis." Osaka, Japan. November 21, 2008.
9/2008Society for General Microbiology, 163rd Meeting. "Manipulation of Innate Immunity by Oral Pathogens to Promote their Virulence." Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, September 8-11, 2008.
6/20085th International Conference on Innate Immunity. "Role of Macrophage Lipid Rafts in TLR Signaling, Uptake, and Intracellular Fate of Bacterial Pathogens." Minoa Palace Conference Center, Chania, Greece, June 21-26, 2008.
5/20089th European Oral Microbiology Workshop. "Subversion of Host Innate Immune Signaling by Porphyromonas gingivalis." Helsinki, Finland, May 22-25, 2008.
10/2007Columbia University, College of Dental Medicine. Seminar: "Toll-like Receptors in Innate and Adaptive Immunity." New York, NY, October 19, 2007.
6/20074th International Workshop on Complement Associated Diseases, Animal Models, and Therapeutics. "Exploitation of Complement Receptor 3 (CD11b/CD18) by Periodontopathic Bacteria." Porto Heli Conference Center, Porto Heli, Greece, June 10-15, 2007.
12/2006University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine, Department of Pathology. Seminar: "TLR2 Recognition of P. gingivalis: Host Defense or Immune Subversion?" Philadelphia, PA, December 20, 2006.
6/2006Symposium ‘Host Response to Oral Pathogens’; 84th IADR meeting. "Modulation of the Host Response to P. gingivalis." Brisbane, Australia, June 28-July 1, 2006.
6/2006Gordon Research Conference on Periodontal Diseases. "Microbial immunomodulatory activity via inside-out and outside-in signaling’." Il Ciocco, Barga, Italy, June 4-9, 2006.
1/2006JG Brown Cancer Center, University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, Molecular Targets Seminar Series: "Targeting Pathogen-Induced Inside-Out Signaling in Monocytes." Louisville, KY, January 26, 2006.
1/2006Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Louisville Health Sciences Center. Seminar: "Innate Pattern Recognition and Microbial Strategies for its Exploitation." Louisville, KY, January 12, 2006.
5/2005Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Department of Physiology. Seminar: "The Innate Response to P. gingivalis and Implications for Periodontal and Systemic Diseases." New Orleans, LA, May 2, 2005.
4/2005University of Louisville Health Sciences Center, Center for Oral Health and Systemic Disease. Seminar: "Pattern Recognition of P. gingivalis Fimbriae: Who Benefits, Host or Pathogen?" Louisville, KY, April 29, 2005.
2/2005LSU School of Dentistry, Center of Excellence in Oral and Craniofacial Biology Seminar Series: "Interactions of Toll-like Receptors with Bacterial Enterotoxin Adjuvants." New Orleans, LA, February 17, 2005.
6/2004Tulane University Medical Center, Department of Microbiology. Seminar: "Interactions of Pattern-Recognition Receptors with Bacterial Adhesins and Toxins." New Orleans, LA, June 24, 2004.
5/200424th Annual LSU School of Dentistry Research Day; invited faculty presentation. "Proinflammatory Activities of Porphyromonas gingivalis." New Orleans, LA, May 12, 2004.
6/2003University of Helsinki, School of Dentistry. Seminar: "Toll-like Receptors and Pattern Recognition of Porphyromonas gingivalis Fimbriae." Helsinki, Finland, June 23, 2003.
2/2003Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Parasitology. Seminar: "Interactions of Pattern- Recognition Receptors with Porphyromonas gingivalis Fimbriae." New Orleans, LA, February 28, 2003.
12/2002University of Athens, School of Dentistry. Seminar: "Innate Immunity and Periodontal Inflammation: The Role of Pattern-Recognition Receptors." Athens, Greece, December 18, 2002.
2/2002State University of New York at Buffalo, Department of Oral Biology. Seminar: "Toll-Like Receptors: Mediators of Molecular Communication between Porphyromonas gingivalis Virulence Factors and Innate Defense." Buffalo, NY, February 11, 2002.
6/200010th Pancretan Conference of the Stomatologic Society of Crete. "Immunization against Dental caries." Herlaklion, Greece, June 10-11, 2000.
1/1997UAB Immunobiology Vaccine Center: Mucosal Immunology Conference Series: "Mucosal Immunization with Recombinant Gram-Negative Bacterial Vectors." Birmingham, AL, January 15, 1997.
4/1995UAB Immunobiology Vaccine Center: Mucosal Immunology Conference Series: "Expression of Biologically Active Foreign Proteins in Salmonella typhimurium for the development of mucosal vaccines." April 5, 1995.
12/1994University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Research Center in Oral Biology. Seminar: "Induction and Role of S-IgA Antibodies to the Salivary Pellicle-Binding Adhesin (AgI/II) of Streptococcus mutans." Birmingham, AL, December 12, 1994.