Past Trainees

Name | Project Title | Type of Trainee |
Toshiharu Abe | Mechanisms and treatments of inflammatory bone loss | Post-doc |
Mohamad Husam Albzreh | The oxidative burst response of human neutrophils to P. gingivalis | Graduate/Master's |
Nur Balci | Mechanisms of LAD-associated periodontitis | Post-doc |
Camille Banson | Mechanisms of complement involvement in periodontitis and rational therapeutic intervention | DMD Student/Summer Research |
Chungyu (Gary) Chang | Development of DEL-1-specific ELISA to investigate the relationship between DEL-1 and periodontitis | DMD Student/Summer Research |
Paul A. Ciero | Age-associated periodontal bone loss in normal and TLR2- or MyD88-deficient mice | Graduate/Master's |
Hisanori Domon | Impact of aging on innate immunity and periodontal disease | Post-doc |
Mehmet Akif Eskan | Age-associated changes in innate immunity and their impact on inflammatory disease | Graduate/PhD |
Melanie Genoula | Senescence in hematopoietic progenitors | Post-doc |
Robyn Hemmings | DEL-1 levels in human periodontitis | DMD Student/Summer Research |
Hidetaka Ideguchi | Role of complement in Th17 induction in the periodontium | Visting Scholar |
Tetsuhiro Kajikawa | Resolution of inflammation: Mechanisms and complement therapeutic approaches in periodontitis; LAD-associated periodontitis and MAIT cells | Post-doc |
Jennifer L. Krauss | Complementary immune evasion by the oral pathogen P. gingivalis | Graduate/PhD |
Pacharee Kulwattanaporn | sFRP5 expressions in healthy and chronic periodontitis tissues | Graduate/Master's |
Xiaofei Li | Tissue immunity and homeostasis: role of DEL-1; Trained innate immunity and comorbidities | Post-doc |
Tomoki Maekawa | Novel approaches to inhibit inflammatory periodontal bone loss | Post-doc |
Kathryn Mason | TET2-mediated clonal hematopoiesis effects on T lymphocytes | DMD Student/Summer Research |
Megan L. McIntosh | Blockade of CXCR4 inhibits P. gingivalis colonization in vivo and subsequent periodontal bone loss | Graduate/PhD |
Fatimah Meshikhes | Milk fat globule-Epidermal growth factor-Factor 8 (MFG-E8) as a novel biomarker for periodontal disease | Graduate/Master's |
Kosuke Nagai | Role of 1,4 DCPA/hydrogel in periodontal bone regeneration | Visiting Scholar |
Deanne L. Pierce | Role of fimbriae in P. gingivalis pathogenesis | Post-doc |
Shuang Liang | Oral immunity and Toll-like receptors | Post-doc |
Kalyani Pyaram | Structure-function studies on DEL-1 | Post-doc |
Muhamad Ali K. Shakhatreh | Development of a mouse model of P. gingivalis infection: Association with proinflammatory cytokine induction and periodontal bone loss | Graduate/Master's |
Anisha Shah | Investigating the effect of fungal-derived β-glucan on trained osteoclastogenesis | Summer Student |
Jieun Shin | Mechanisms and regulation of osteoclastogenesis in periodontitis | Post-doc |
Da-Yo Yuh | The homeostatic factor DEL-1 promotes periodontal bone regeneration during resolution of periodontitis | DScD (Doctorate) Student |
Baomei Wang | Regulation of mucosal inflammation and innate lymphoid cells | Post-doc |
Hui Wang | Role of DEL-1 in bone loss disorders Clonal hematopoiesis and inflammatory comorbidities | Research Associate |
Min Wang | Pattern recognition of P. gingivalis virulence factors | Post-doc |
Camille Zenobia | Mechanisms of LAD-associated periodontitis | Post-doc |